Accepting payments made affordable.

Lower rates, no monthly fees, and no contracts.

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  • In-person
  • Keyed & Online
  • ACH
  • Pass-on fees

Average in-person cost


Average costs to expect

Based on the weighted average cost of popular cards and a transaction size of: $300 $


See volume discount
In-person rate Monthly credit card volume Discount tier
In-person rate: Interchange+ 0.40% + 8¢ Monthly credit volume: $0 - $50K Discount tier: 1
In-person rate: Interchange+ 0.35% + 7¢ Monthly credit volume: $50K - $100K Discount tier: 2
In-person rate: Interchange+ 0.25% + 7¢ Monthly credit volume: $100K - $500K Discount tier: 3
In-person rate: Interchange+ 0.20% + 6¢ Monthly credit volume: $500K - $1M Discount tier: 4
In-person rate: Interchange+ 0.15% + 6¢ Monthly credit volume: $1M + Discount tier: 5

Average keyed cost

Average Visa cost

Based on the weighted popularity of card types

Average Mastercard cost

Based on the weighted popularity of card types

Average Discover cost

Based on the weighted popularity of card types

Average AMEX cost

Based on the weighted popularity of card types

Average costs to expect

Based on the weighted average cost of popular cards and a transaction size of: $300 $


See volume discount
Keyed & Online rate Monthly credit card volume Discount tier
Keyed & Online rate: Interchange+ 0.50% + 25¢ Monthly credit volume: $0 - $50K Discount tier: 1
Keyed & Online rate: Interchange+ 0.45% + 20¢ Monthly credit volume: $50K - $100K Discount tier: 2
Keyed & Online rate: Interchange+ 0.35% + 20¢ Monthly credit volume: $100K - $500K Discount tier: 3
Keyed & Online rate: Interchange+ 0.25% + 15¢ Monthly credit volume: $500K - $1M Discount tier: 4
Keyed & Online rate: Interchange+ 0.15% + 15¢ Monthly credit volume: $1M + Discount tier: 5

Accept ACH and EFT/PAD direct withdrawals from your customers’ bank accounts.

ACH and ETF/PAD graphic

ACH Acceptance

0.5% + 25¢

Capped at $6

for transactions below $25,000


for transactions above $25,000

Learn more about ACH

Get free credit card processing. Pass the fees to your customers.

In-person surcharging

You pay 0% for credit cards

Standard in-person rates for debit cards.

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Fee saver Smart Terminal

Online convenience fees

You pay 0% for credit cards

Or ACH rates when selected by customer.

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Setup takes one click

We are all about transparency.

We do business with you the way we want people to do business with us, with honesty and transparency.

Learn more about interchange plus pricing
0 0 0 0 0 0
Rate comparison bg

Compare our price against the top payment companies.

All the research done for you – compare rates from top providers in one convenient document.

Equipment that doesn't break the bank.

Making sure you get paid fast.

Free daily deposits for credit & debit batches

Within 2 business days

Free ACH payment deposits

3-4 business days

All the tools you need, no monthly fees.

Quickbook card illustration
Purple card illustration
Invoicing card illustration
Bg graphic

Sync your accounting seamlessly.


QuickBooks Online

Payment solutions made easy.

Level 2/3 Interchange Optimization

We automatically optimize corporate and commercial credit card data to help reduce your interchange fees.


commission on savings

Fraud Defender

Automated logic to help you combat fraudulent transactions.



Helping you manage disputes.

Chargeback disputes

$15 Per occurrence or free when won

ACH Rejects

$5 Per occurrence


  • How are payment processing fees generally determined by credit card processors?

    Different companies charge for credit card processing in different ways. The processing fees you pay to accept payments could depend on several factors, such as:

    • The pricing model and your processor's margin
    • The interchange rate
    • The card and transaction type
    • Your business industry
  • How does Helcim charge for credit card processing?

    Fair and transparent pricing has been at the heart of what we do since day one. Helcim employs a pricing model called Interchange Plus pricing. It is generally regarded as the industry's most honest and affordable pricing model, especially for small and medium sized businesses.

  • What is Interchange Plus pricing?

    Interchange Plus pricing takes the wholesale cost of the transaction - or interchange rate - adds a set margin on top, and passes on the savings directly to our merchants.

    Other pricing models, like flat rate pricing, charge you a flat rate despite the real cost of the transaction— often taking a larger margin which ultimately comes out of your pocket. Learn more about Interchange Pricing

  • How is the interchange rate determined?

    Processing fees are broken up into two portions: The interchange fee and the processor’s margin.

    Interchange Rates for card brands like Visa and Mastercard are determined by the card brands and issuing banks. All credit card processors adhere to the exact same interchange rates. To arrive at this base cost for each transaction, they take into consideration factors such as:

    • Type of payment card
    • Card brand
    • The type of business accepting the card
    • The transaction type
    • The cost of processing this transaction
    • Risk factors such as fraud
    • Consumer rewards and perks

    The second portion of your processing costs - the processor margin - is made up by your payment processor. How much you pay to accept payments will depend on which pricing model your processor uses and how much they make from their margin.

  • Where can I find the interchange rates?

    We post the interchange rates on our website. These rates are subject to updates every April and October.

  • Does it cost extra to access Helcim's other tools like Invoicing or The Virtual Terminal?

    It's all free— no catch, no hidden fees, no monthly fees. Access to Helcim's suite of professional business tools comes included with your free Helcim account.

    You simply pay the transaction fees for what you process and are free to enjoy unlimited access to our suite of professional tools and features.

  • Is there a fee for providing a refund to a customer?

    Unlike many payment processors, Helcim does not charge an added fee for refunds. However, we are not able to return the processing fees for the original transaction. One way to avoid paying processing fees for same-day refunds is to void the original transaction before closing your batch rather than refunding a separate transaction.

  • Does Helcim offer volume discounts for processing large numbers of transactions?

    Yes, Helcim offers discounts for high-volume transactions. The exact discount amount may vary based on your business needs and the volume of transactions you process. For more information, please contact our sales team.

  • How do Helcim's rates compare to Square's?

    Helcim uses an Interchange Plus pricing model, whereas Square charges users a flat rate. Our pricing models afford merchants transparent pricing with no hidden fees while passing on the savings of lower interchange rates instead of charging a flat rate and a large margin. Learn more in our Helcim vs. Square article.

    Law firms and other businesses that require separate trust and operating bank accounts are able to customize the flow of deposits and fees to meet their needs.

  • Are there any setup fees or monthly charges for using Helcim's payment processing services?

    No, there are no setup fees or monthly charges for accepting payments through Helcim. Our pricing is based solely on the transactions you process, so you only pay for what you use.

  • How does Helcim handle chargebacks in its pricing model?

    Helcim offers a competitive rate of $15 per chargeback transaction, but we waive the fee altogether if the merchant wins their dispute.

  • Does Helcim charge equipment leasing fees?

    No, Helcim does not lease our equipment and we try to warn merchants against leasing equipment from other providers. Instead, we offer affordable equipment and accessory options which you can purchase outright from us, avoiding costly leases and contracts.

    Unlike other providers, Helcim has no contracts or cancellation fees.

  • What type of funding options does Helcim offer?

    Helcim uses gross deposits, meaning your total sales are deposited directly into your bank account, with processing fees deducted as a separate line item on the same day. This ensures accurate daily revenue and cash flow data so you always know exactly how much you've earned and what's available.

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