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Helcim Security Bug Bounty Program

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Cordell Finnson | November 1, 2018

“To help with the continuous improvement of our security, we're introducing the Helcim Security Bug Bounty Program.”
1 min read
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    Security Matters

    Helcim takes the security of our company, platform, and clients seriously. We're committed to maintaining strict security standards at all times. Compliance and the safeguarding of our data is a crucial part of our mission. We invite you to learn more about our approach to security.

    Helcim Security Bug Bounty Program

    To help with the continuous improvement of our security, we're introducing the Helcim Security Bug Bounty Program. The goal of our white hat program is to facilitate collaboration with the hacker and security researcher community and to provide a structured reward program for finding serious security vulnerabilities. We appreciate the community in helping us become a more secure company.

    We're committing to working with all security researchers regardless of background or accreditation. We also strive to be respectful and to treat others as peers. We will assume that best intentions are being put forward, and we ask that the same be assumed of us. We take the reporting of security vulnerabilities seriously and will address any findings quickly.

    Please note that DDOS, DOS, brute force, social engineering, or physical attacks are prohibited.

    Reporting a Vulnerability

    To get started on reporting a vulnerability, your first step should be to contact [email protected]. Our team will reply to your email with detailed information on our bounty program, including eligibility, bounty reward tiers and the terms and conditions of the program. You will be provided with an online submission link to report your findings and to provide us with a detailed description. Do not share your bug publicly.

    If you have any questions, please email [email protected] first.

    Thank you! Together, we aim to make the web a safer place.

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